Thank to Almighty God for the implementation of the Virtual 4th International Conference on Martime Education and Training (4th ICMET) 2020 which held in Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar on 8th October 2020. e ISSN: xxxx-xxxx. The conference’s theme, "Maritime Education and Training Roles in Supporting Sunda Strait and Lombok Strait as a Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS)". The virtual conference functions as an effective way to strengthen our role and improve our knowledge contribution as lecturers and researchers and also to facilitates a fruitful sharing and exchange of ideas related to the conference’s theme. Our goal is for get new ideas, tools and materials from the virtual conference which contributed to the professional maritime development. The variety of sessions gave opportunities to connect with friends and colleagues to expand networks. We are excited about the keynote : Prof. Raphael Baumler (World Maritime University) ; Invited speakers : Prof. Dr.Ketut Buda Artana, S.T., M.Sc. (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, ITS - Indonesia ) , Antonie Gatinaud (Wartsila Voyage - France), Rebecca Sheehan (LCDR, U.S. Coast Guard - Lecturer from World Maritime University) and also the moderator : Capt. Indra Priyatna as Expert Maritime Issues from Indonesia. We believe they shared challenging and innovative ideas about maritime issues.
The event served as good as platform for maritime education community where almost 500 participants join the virtual conference. The conference committee wishes to extend appreciation to all Authors of 29 papers, all Reviewers and Editor for making the fourth Virtual International Conference on Maritime Education and Training 2020 success and the proceeding published. The hard work, support, and dedication from each of these individuals, which comprise the backbone of the conference, make the participants and attendees be able to benefit from the quality of the presentations and papers.