Transportation Attache’s Role in Fraudulent Certificates of Indonesian Seafarers in Singapore Area

  • Dewi, I.S Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
  • Seno, A Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
  • Humantaristi, S Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
Keywords: Global Maritime Nexus (GMN), Human Resource, Seafarer, Transportation Attache, Certificate, Fraudulent, Indonesian Embassy, State Cyber and Code Agency


The concept of Indonesia as Global Maritime Nexus (GMN) in the appliance divided by 5 (five) sectors, which are culture, economy, connectivity, diplomacy and security. The competence of human resource, i.e: seafarer needs to be fixed, especially in the quality. The increasing of life necessities creates lot of seafarers and society choose instant method to make seafarer false certificate. Transportation Attache of Indonesian Embassy in Singapore as one of the important stakeholder in signing seaman book in Singapore area has important role to solve seafarer fraudulent certificate. This research has purpose to know the causes as well as the impact of fraudulent seafarer certificates around Singapore area, and to know the mechanism done by Transportation Attache of Indonesia Embassy in Singapore. This research used qualitative method. Observation, interview and literature studies are done to obtain the data. To test the data validity, researcher performed research-extension and triangulation method. The results of this research are: 1) the cause of fraudulent seafarer certificates is seafarers’ deviant social behaviour, the weak system of Indonesian seafarer online certification, and the opportunity and chance for seafarers to do fraud. 2) The impacts from this case are a lot of seafarers face hard time to find jobs in Singapore shipping companies, the lack of trust from abroad companies to recruit Indonesian seafarer, also blacklist toward Indonesian seafarers with certain ranks in several companies. 3) The efforts to solve this case are to strictly apply the monitoring and checking function along with Minister Instruction number 4 year 2018, to do issue verification with the related training institution and cooperate with State Cyber and Code Agency that is called Badan Standardisasi Siber Nasional (BSSN) to strengthen the security system of seafarer certification.
