Study on The Effectiveness of Bilingual Learning in PBBI Program in Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran in 2019

  • Tristanti Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran
Keywords: Bilingual, Foreign Language, Learning Methods, Shipping Education


Maritime Education Institutions need support and encouragement for the development of bilingual programs for cadets or seafarers in general in the future. So far, English, which is a foreign language in Indonesia, is still considered as a barrier to seafarers' communication on ships, especially on ships owned by foreign companies. The research design used in this study included mixed methods: quantitative surveys conducted on final semester of Nautical cadets, field observations and interviews with lecturers and the cadets. This study aims to explore the perceptions of the cadets and the lecturers about learning in English in relation to the bilingual teaching in the classroom. Some of the courses in the Nautical Study Program have been taught in English and Indonesian or bilingual. Some lecturers have an ability to teach bilingual and able to develop good methods of delivery so that the target of understanding the substance of learning materials can be met.
