Applying Wordflow Technique to Increase Cadets’ English Vocabulary
This research aimed to know Wordflow technique can increase cadets’ vocabulary and the obstacles in applying Wordflow technique in memorizing English vocabulary. The research was conducted at Malahayati Merchant Marine Polytechnic in Aceh Besar. The participants of the research were 30 cadets nautical Alpha Diploma III. The research addressed tests, questionnaire and observation to collect the data. The result of this research showed that Wordflow Technique increased cadets’ in memorizing English vocabulary. It was proved by the data from pretest and posttest score; it was shown that the cadets mean score from pre-test was 65 and was significant increased to post-test was 70,5. In addition, the obstacles when applying Wordflow technique were lack of fair group, time, noisy. To sum up, the cadets were enjoyed, interested and motivated the cadets to memorize vocabulary using Wordflow.