The Use of Kahoot! in Teaching English Maritime Subject

  • Sunarlia Limbong Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
  • Mafrisal Chaniago Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
  • Hotman Tua Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
  • Citra Prasiska PT. Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari
Keywords: English Maritime, Online Media, and Kahoot!


Technology is being increasingly integrated as a part of teaching in view of enhancing students’ achievement in learning English. This paper presents outcomes of research that examined the effect of using Kahoot! in teaching English Maritime for second semester at Nautika II class of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar. This study used pre-experimental design. In taking the sample, this study used purposive sampling technique. This study was carried out among 20 students from total population of Nautika II classes. The data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics in the form of frequency, means, standard deviation and independent t – test. From this study, it was found that the students’ test scores were higher when they were taught using Kahoot! on the learning process. The result of hypothesis testing showed t-test (17.321) was more than t-table (2.093). Therefore, it can be concluded that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. It means that there was a significant effect of using Kahoot! on the students’ vocabulary and grammar achievement at second semester in Nautika II class C. From these findings, it can be suggested that online media like Kahoot! is strongly recommended to be used in the teaching and learning process of English vocabulary and grammar. It is expected that the finding of this study would enlighten the relevant literature of the area.
