Analysis of the Needs of Seafarer Officers on Merchant Ships

  • Meti Kendek Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
  • Subehana Rachman Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar


The principal issue discussed in this research is "Analysis of the Needs of the Seafarer Officers on Merchant Ships" Based on the principal problems, this research aimed to find out the number of seafarer officers employment who currently work in the merchant ship and to identify the development of merchant sailing industry in Indonesia and the world in the last five years. Data collection methods employed the literature study, observation, and interview. The data obtained were then analyzed using descriptive and qualitative techniques using a regression approach. The results of this study based on the data analysis result showed that the number of Indonesian graduates Seafarer at the level of ANT I/ATT I, ANT II/ATT II, ANT III/ATT III for the last five years on the board of examiner for seafarer expertise increased in 2016 by 65% of the ANT, in 2017 it experienced a decline by 1.3% of the ANT and in 2018 it witnessed a significant decline by -5.8%. In 2019 it increased by 18 %. So it can be said that the issuance of seafarer competence certificates of officer level increased by 19.6% per year. The growth value of merchant ship fleet based on the type of sailing nationally increased from 2015 to 2019. In 2016, it increased significantly by 45%, while in 2017, it decreased by 0.3%. In 2018, it grew by 7%, and in 2019, it grew by 19%, so if it was put on an average value from 2015 to 2019, it experienced growth by 2.3%.


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