The Optimization of Dynamic Positioning Equipment in Operating Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) To Eliminate Hazardous Risks in Motor Vessel of SMS Supporter

  • Moh. Aziz Rohman Politeknik Pelayaran Malahayati
Keywords: Operations, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), Dynamic Position (DP) equipment, hazardous risk, risk assessment, IFAS, EFAS, SWOT


SMS Supporter is an Anchor Handling Towing Ship (AHTS) DP 2 vessel that is operated to serve offshore works and designed for underwater surveillance activities. Over time, currently underwater surveyors have been developed into various types, one of which is Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). The main objective of this research is specifically observing ROV operations using Dynamic Position (DP) equipment on board. The surveillance activity using ROV is fundamentally different from other surveillances in general. The objectives in this study are focused on the reason behind the necessary option to Optimize Dynamic Positioning Equipment in Operation Ship with Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) works and how the officers / Dynamic Position Operators (DPOs) together with crews are working while implementing international regulations and safety company management system when ROV operations are taking place to run optimally while avoid any hazardous risk. In ROV operations, the caterer will prepare all ROV operational equipment. Officers / SDPO will analyze the various hazards that may occur during ROV operations using DP equipment. The analysis was carried out based on the provisions of the International Marine Contractor Association (IMCA). After corrected completely, the officer / SDPO conduct a Risk Assessment of all activities that will be carried out on board of the vessel while staying mobile, launching and recovering the ROV also when the ROV operation is running. After that, the optimization process in ROV activities using DP equipment on board is done by internal strategic factors analysis summary (IFAS), external strategic factors analysis summary (EFAS), and strength-weakness-opportunities-threat (SWOT) analysis. The strengths and opportunities which they have are used to overcoming weaknesses and threats. SWOT analysis will produce some strategy in Optimalization Dynamic Positioning Equipment In Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Work Operation To Eliminate Risk of Danger at Motor vessel SMS Supporter.


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