Determinant Factor Career Readiness Of Malahayati Merchant Marine Polytechnic Cadets

  • Moh. Aziz Rohman Politeknik Pelayaran Malahayati
  • Fakhruddin Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Titi Prihatin Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Muhammad Khafid Universitas Negeri Semarang
Keywords: training, job training, locus of control, self-efficacy, career readiness


The career readiness of the employee with the competence ability become the main goal for all educational institution. Hard skills are not enough to declare themselves to have the career readiness to compete in the world of work. The knowledge which is gained from formal education, especially vocational education. Apparently, it has not been able to guarantee the graduates to get a job and be ready in the world of work and the difficulties of vocational education graduates to succeed job opportunity offer because of the low career readiness or mismatching between graduates skills with the industry needs. This phenomenon encourages conducting empirical studies related to career readiness. By the reasons mentioned above directed the study to training variables, industrial job training, locus of control, self-efficacy and parental congruence which are suspected to be able to explain the problem occurred in career readiness. Furthermore, to find out the existence of the influence or ability of exogenous variables mapped in explaining endogenous variables. Empirical studies were conducted using research samples of Malahayati Merchant Marine Polytechnic Cadets. The sample of study
conducted an interview by using questionnaire as a medium to measure the variable of study. Then, the data obtained is analyzed by using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach. The test results from five variables training and career readiness, job training, locus of control, self-efficacy and parental carrier congruence by using empirical data showed that training significantly give positive effect to career readiness. The results also showed if the respondent get the effective training, they will be ready in facing the world of work.


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