Developing Learning Media Based Project Board in Electronic Materials to Improve the Analysis Capability and Skills for the Cadets of PIP Semarang

  • Andy Wahyu H Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
  • Fakhruddin Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Martono Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Muhammad Khafid Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Sahabuddin Sunusi Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
  • Hari Setyawan Indonesian Seaferers, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Media Development, Project Board, Electronic


Electronics is one of the most widely used materials on board, but in reality, the cadets still have difficulty in understanding the concepts, solving problems and making electronic circuits. The media used today have a significant risk, such as a short circuit or electric shock. There are several problems that the authors get in this study, they are; how is the learning media for electronic practice used today, how to design an appropriate media for learning electronics practice with project board. In this study, the method used Research and Development (R&D). It is a research method used to produce certain products, and test the effectiveness of these products. In producing certain products, the researchers used needs analysis. The final results of this study will produce the electronic learning media. From the results of the learning model design and testing of the Analog Experimenter ASH tool, there are a number of things that can be concluded: The electronic learning media used today is still not effective and efficient because the cadets have to buy the practical materials, while in terms of safety, it is very lacking. The design of instructional media made is more effective, efficient and safer than the methods currently used. This is proven by testing the ASH Analog Experimenter with a multimeter and Oscilloscope.


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