Feasibility Analysis of Lifeboat Safety Equipment (A Case Study on the Ship of MT. Lapetta)

  • Endang Lestari Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
Keywords: Feasibility, Equipment, Safety, Lifeboat, MT. Lapetta


During shipping, there are frequently emergency situations that put people's lives in jeopardy. As a result, every ship must include life safety equipment, including a lifeboat that may be utilized to exit the ship in the event of an accident. The goal of the study was to see if lifeboat safety equipment could be installed aboard the ship MT. Lapetta in line with the 1974 SOLAS rules. The possibility of lifeboats on MT. Lapetta is the subject of this qualitative descriptive investigation. The findings of this investigation show that the lifeboats on board the ship MT.Lapetta do not meet the 1974 SOLAS eligibility standards, particularly in terms of the completeness of the parts that should be aboard the lifeboats.


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