Investigation Of Emboss Height Displacement Through Embossing Process For Agricultural Component

  • Mahadir Sirman Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
  • henny Pasandang Nari Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
  • Rusdi Nur Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang
Keywords: embossing, emboss height, hardness, agricultural


The Indonesian state has abundant fertile land and is the main producer of various tropical agricultural products. One of the important agricultural commodities in Indonesia is rice. In planting rice, processing equipment such as tractors is needed. Tractor wheel fin is the most important part of a tractor for plowing fields. Damage to the tractor wheel fins due to the lack of ability of the tractor wheel fins to withstand loads and is caused by the age of the fins themselves. Previous research has made a bending tool that can also be used to form the fin wheel of a hand tractor with a hydraulic system, with one stage of the bending process, two embossing in the shape of a radius as reinforcement. Therefore, this study was conducted to see how the effect of embossing on the flexural strength and hardness of the tractor wheel fins using a variation of the triangular embossing model, the number of embossing 1, and the embossing height of 4, 5, 6 mm with carbon steel (St 42), plate thickness 3.8. mm. Based on the results of research conducted, the higher the embossing, the greater the resulting maximum load, where the maximum load is obtained by the tractor wheel fin with a triangular embossing model, and the embossing height of 6 mm, the bending stress is 147.143 N/mm2. The hardness test results of the tractor wheel fin with a triangular triangle model, height 6 has the greatest hardness, namely 171.43 HB.


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