The Correlation of the Master Transformational Leadership and the Crew Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) (Studies on the Implementation of Safety Management System)

  • Oktavera Sulistiana Politeknik Pelayaran Barombong
  • Andi Dewi Neswaty Lembaga Psikologi Tiara Cipta Utama
  • Dodik Widarbowo Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar


This research was conducted to determine the correlation of the Master's Transformational Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the ship crew (Studies on the Implementation of the Safety Management System). The benefits of this research are to contribute to academic research and the maritime world about how to maximize the Master transformational leadership on the implementation of Safety Management System. The analytical technique used is the rank spearman correlation analysis method. This method is used to determine a relationship between variables. The sample used is 105 crew members of the Indonesian ships with national shipping areas. Data were collected using a Likert model scale. The study results show a robust positive correlation between the Master transformational leadership and the organizational citizenship behavior of the ship crew on the implementation of the safety management system.


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