Lecturers' Strategies in Improving the Quality of Distance Learning (DL) on the Cadets of PIP Makassar Under Swot Analysis

  • Dodik Widarbowo Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar


Since the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia imposed changes in the educational system in the society, the government did an adjustment on learning policy based on to the decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 719/P/2020 on Guidelines for Curriculum Implementation in Educational Unit during Special Conditions, and Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran (PIP) Makassar as a higher education institution in the field of merchant marine through the Regulation of the Head of BPSDM of Transportation Department Number: PK.01/BPSDMP-2021 on February 17, 2021 on Guidelines for the Implementation of Distance Learning in the field of Merchant Marine at Higher Institution, School, Training Centre, Institute of Education and Training, is required to adhere it in conducting the changes in the education system Even though the learning process experienced a variety of limitations in terms of capabilities, facilities, and infrastructures such as mobile phones, laptops, and internet networks both for lecturers and students (cadets) as well as the low skill of technology application, the learning process still needs to be carried out to ensure the process of science transformation of the learners is not disturbed. The data analysis technique employed was the SWOT analysis under a qualitative approach, consisting of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT analysis aims to maximize the strengths and opportunities and minimize the weaknesses and the threat threats. There were 400 respondents from lecturers and cadets whose responses were tested in terms of validity and reliability, which was specified in the Gutman Scale (SPSS 26) which then obtained the results as follows: Strengths, the DL provides ease in learning; Weakness, the application of DL imposes the use of some learning apps; Opportunities, lecturers and cadets have more flexible and a maximum of learning time; and Threat, The lecturers and cadets have limited internet package and network in the specific region/area. Regarding the Strategy of PIP Makassar lecturers in increasing motivation of the cadets in distance learning, it is required for a lecturer to improve the knowledge, innovate with evolving technology, provide learning media that is easy to understand, and to be communicative in learning.


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