Analysis of Transport Loss in the Distribution of Fuel Products on Tankers and Terminals of Fuel Terminals in Eastern Indonesia Region

  • Nurwahidah Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
  • Tasdik Tona Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar


Petroleum is an important commodity in Indonesia that should contribute greatly to public welfare. The idea of
having social welfare was declared at the opening of the 1945 constitution. Thus, the petroleum sector has a significant
contribution in realizing the prosperity of all Indonesian citizens. In fuel and gas transactions, the handover processes have
transport losses potential on the ship distribution of fuel. The depreciation in the transactions of fuel and gas is also
commonly referred to as the difference in the quantity at the time of loading (R1) and at the time of discharge (R3). The
difference in the loading until the discharged of the ship to the terminal (ship figure in barrel) being the issues raised with
the aim of (1) the procedure of Pertamina Holding in determining the policy of transport loss R1=0.2% R2=0.07% R3=0.2%
and R4=0.47% on fuel transportation on the tanker. (2) then the factors that cause shrinkage on fuel loading after loading
and after discharge. (3) The efforts made by the Officer to perform an emphasis in inhibiting the occurrence of transport
loss on the ship. This study used qualitative and quantitative approaches, which utilized secondary data (questionnaire,
interview, observation) and primary data (related documents). One hundred twenty respondents/ship crews were involved
in the data collection that provided the structured statements. In addition, there were 15 ships as the population, and five of
them were chosen as the samples in this study. The results of this study provide the answer to all three problems, the policy
of transport losses set in the Pertamina guidelines No.A-001/H10200/2007-S4 should be temporary due to the assumption
that if this is enforced, it will be used as the opportunity of cheating on the board. Moreover, the cause of the transport
losses consists of (1) the discrepancy found of the tank material, which was not adequate according to the type of the
load,15 vessels being the populations have the iron/steel material; (2) the operational age of the vessels. Nine vessels have
been operated above 20 years, three ships of up to 25 years, and three vessels above 15 years. In the survey asking if the
age of the vessel can affect the shrinkage, the respondents responded with 56.3% agreed, only 10.6% did not agree, and
4.7% undecided; (3) shipping distance, the interviews with some respondents, and the daily journal documentation of
vessels showed the documentation of weather condition changes in the 24 hours; (4) the temperature change, the highest
risk of depreciation is avtur, followed by Gasoline RON 88, followed by Diesel Fuel and Gasoline RON 90, because every
1ºC will affect the observed loads; (5) the treatment is not sustainable, from field observations and documentation, there is
no special care on the tank material in regular basis or periodically. To minimize the shrinkage issues, Officers do the
sounding again, calculate the shipping load manually, pay attention to the temperature outside/inside of the load tank and
make a Notice of Readiness (vessel) and letter of protest (terminal).


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