Students' Attitudes on Blended Learning-Based Instruction in Indonesian EFL Classroom

  • Munir Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Maemuna Muhayyang
  • Sunarlia Limbong Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar
  • Amra Ariyani
Keywords: Blended Learning, Attitude, EFL Classroom


This study explores the students' attitudes on blended learning-based instruction in
Indonesian EFL classrooms. It employs a descriptive study using a purposive sampling
technique and taking 34 respondents from EFL university students. The questionnaire
and interview were used to collect data on the perception of EFL university students on
blended learning-based instruction in the process of learning in the EFL classroom. The
result of the study shows the students' perception of the integration of blended learning
in the classroom. It falls into some categories: the usefulness of blended learning, the
institutional support, the impact of blended learning on the students learning, and the
percentage use of blended learning as well as challenges encountered in using blended
learning. This research is expected to be of benefit to lecturers, students, and
stakeholders to enrich knowledge and develop language skills and proficiency based on
blended learning instruction in the Indonesian EFL classroom.


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